Hello everybody, iam looking for talents there ;
We’re looking for an AR developer for a project that will be importing .glb assets in Portal experience. These .glb files will come with built in animations and textures.
Hey did you find solution? That’s actually fair simple and straight forward to do it but if you have no experience might not be easy.
If you haven’t found someone, please consider this GPT I did to assist crafting XR experiences with 8thwall.
You will need a plus account in openAI chatGPT
Tell this AI, your name, level of experience and what you want to accomplish.
It will tell you exactly what to do and provide the code for you. You will still have to know how to code to integrate the code examples.
And also can help you reading the code errors and tell you what you do.
Also check this template to get you started
My journey developing with 8thwall had tough me that if you search long enough in the template projects at 8thwall. You might find a template complete or partial with your needs.
Check this template that has animations, 3D models, and the things you need.
Hope this helps and happy coding!
Do you find the solution?
I have experience in AR Portal project using 8thwall.
This was my previous Portal project, if you are interested in it, let me know.
I just Posted a project that can utilize, Asset and libraries, Gantz Universe…
Hello Marc,
I am a video producer, game developer and concept artist. Here is my cv CV
Can you consider me for the AR developer projet. The link contains my experiences.
Solomon Ubani