🚀 Niantic Studio September Update is Live!

We’ve just released exciting new features to help streamline your WebXR development in Niantic Studio. Here’s what’s new:

:globe_with_meridians: Optimized 2D UI Controls: Edit 2D elements in real-time directly in the Studio Viewport, with instant updates in the Simulator.

:video_game: FBX and TTF File Upload Support: Import FBX and TTF files seamlessly to simplify 3D modeling workflows.

:art: Enhanced 3D Object Control: Full control over your 3D models with pivot point adjustment and mesh compression settings.

:mortar_board: 5 New Sample Projects: Clone and remix one of our 5 new templates like First Person Controller, Portal Door, and more to start building quickly.

Read more about this release on our blog :point_right: What’s new in Niantic Studio: Enhanced tools for WebXR creation | 8th Wall