Adapt AR to run on Meta Quest?

Hey guys, we’re building a project for a client in AR via 8th Wall, and they would like the experience to be available via Meta Quest devices as well.

How do I adapt the experience, and what should I do?

Are there any tutorials for me to go through?


Here is a quick tutorial that talks about metaversal deployment which allows you to run 8th Wall experiences on the Meta Quest.

And documentation on how to set allowedDevices for any

allowedDevices: any

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Hey Ian, thank you for that!

Is there any way to customize the experience that is being shown in different platforms?

Like the one being shown on Quest devices for instance.

Yes, you can write a custom component that checks for what device it is being opened on and change what you want. For example our portal proejct will open inside the portal when opened on the meta quest.