That solution I already found on the website. But would it work for such a huge surface? As you can see in the picture, the size of the illustration I want to bring to life is quite big…
The size of the image doesn’t really matter, instead the featur points and lighting is what matter most. We recommend using an image target with the following characteristics:
No reflective surfaces
Varied and abundant detail
High image contrast
Absence of repetitive patterns
Minimal whitespace
Preferably a photograph or image with high local contrast, as opposed to logos or vector-based graphics
There are many factors that play into how small or large an image target should be (refereence attached image target size photo). For example an image target could be the size of a billboard but if you are a mile away you would barely be able to see it from your phone screen. It’s more about relative position than the actual size of the image target.For example if you have an image target that is the size of a coin but you are 1 inch away from it, it will look very large in the phone screen and there for could track.
The photo below showcases that size doesn’t really matter, but instead the area the image target takes up in the screen does. These image targets are vastaly different sizes but it’s all relative to where the user initiates the experience.