Dom interaction needed to use Microphone on android

Hi, we have an application that allows customers to visualize the sound spectrum based on modification of 3d models in AR (something similar to the waves that were seen in windows media player but in AR) the problem is that on android devices the microphone does not work if I do not touch the 8thwall logo that appears when you start the app… we put interactions with the dom (popups, etc requesting permission to use the microphone) but they don’t work… as I said if and only if I touch the 8thwall logo that appears at the start of the app the microphone works in android as if it had to interact with the dom of the iframe that injects the framework.

I think the solution could be to use a splash screen:

but I would like to know if anyone has gone through this and what solutions they have.

Welcome to the forums!

This is a browser security feature that requires user interaction or a gesture to enable microphone capture, similar to the process for playing audio. The most effective way to obtain the necessary gesture is by using the Splash Screen sample project you provided.