How To Implement UI Using JS & CSS scripts

Hi, i wrote scripts to add UI buttons to my experience but when i preview i don’t see them, i think i saw somewhere that i had to attach them to an in game object but im unsure how to do that. I thought i could just drag and drop them onto an empty object to attach but it doesn’t seem to work. Any help would be wonderful thank you!


I recommend reading the getting started guide here.

The scripts you’re writing are components that should be attached to entities before they do anything. Create an empty entity from the + button in the heirarchy and add your custom component to it from the properties menu.

Thanks just checked out the guide. Is there a specific line of code i need to add to my scripts to give them an EID? I have an empti entity in my scene but when i click “add component” I can’t find any of my scripts in the list available.

Components don’t have an eid, eid stands for Entity ID which is exclusive to entities. Additionally, You can also get the current entity from a component by doing component.eid.

Ok fixed it. The reason i couldn’t find my scripts in the component list was because i needed to create “New Component File” instead of “Empty file”. Hope this helps someone else!

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