How to make UI image stretch to fill the screen?

The following code doesn’t work.

    const setImage = (img) => {
      ecs.Ui.set(world, component.eid, {
        image: require(`./assets/${img}`),
        width: window.innerWidth,
        height: window.innerHeight,

It works well if the image has the same w/h aspect ratio as the view port, but it has gaps when the ratio is different.

Hi, welcome to the forums!

What does your image look like? It could be that the image’s aspect ratio is affecting the way it’s able to display.

Thank you for your reply.

We have changed the ratio to be the same as the simulator, but it is not practical to adapt for every aspect ratio.

I wonder if there is any way to adaptively stretch the image.


Try changing the “BackgroundSize” attribute to “cover”.

WOW! Thank you!

It works like a charm!

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