Is it possible to add watermarks to recorded videos using threejs instead of Aframe?

In the docs, i see how to add watermarks to recorded videos using Aframe as follows:


Is it possible to add a watermark to recorded videos using Threejs?

Hey Sina! You can use XR8.MediaRecorder.configure() in three.js projects.

For example: three.js: Face Effects | 8th Wall | 8th Wall

Great. i got that to work but I only see the xr8extras in the example you sent, but I dont see the parameters in the docs. Do you know where i can find the docs for XRExtras.MediaRecorder.configure?

    watermarkImageUrl: require('./assets/Logos/8logo.png'),  // Adds watermark to photo/video
    watermarkMaxWidth: 100,
    watermarkMaxHeight: 10,

These are the parameters i see in the example, but im trying to find how i can replicate the watermark-location from Aframe into threejs

I see - there is definitely room for improvement in our documentation here. Try using watermarkLocation. The values should be the same (one of topLeft, topMiddle, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomMiddle, bottomRight).

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Perfect. Works! Thanks so much.

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