Is it possible to display photo and fixed xrextras-capture-button at the same time?

Hi all,
I would like to have two buttons: fixed and photo in the same time, to make the operation easier to understand.
I have prepared two xrextras-capture-buttons for this purpose, but neither of them works anymore.
Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for your time in advance!

Hi Eiya, welcome to the forums!

Could you share your project with the support workspace so I can take a look?

Hi George, thank you for your reply.
I shared test project to β€œsupport”.
If you comment out the following code capture-button2 in body.html, the button will work, and if you uncomment it, both (fixed,photo) functions of the button will not work.

  <!-- add capture button -->
  <xrextras-capture-button id="capture-button" capture-mode="fixed"></xrextras-capture-button>
  <!-- add capture button -->
  <xrextras-capture-button id="capture-button2" capture-mode="photo"></xrextras-capture-button>

I am trying to shift the buttons position in index.css, but it does not seem to be working.

Thank you in advanced.