Is there a page where I can check 8th Wall's limitations?


I’m looking for information regarding the tool’s limitations when it comes to building experiences.

More specifically, the .glb filesize limit and how detailed (how many polygons) the file can have for a smooth experience.

It would also help to to have overall specs/limitations of the platform if possible.

I wasn’t able to find these on the website?


Hello @Ely_Trunks

Discussing project specifications with your end client or team is crucial, especially when considering the target audience for your project. The size of your project can vary significantly based on the mobile devices your end users possess. Modern mobile devices are capable of efficiently handling 8th Wall experiences with larger file sizes. However, if your goal is to reach the widest possible audience, including those with mobile devices that are over five years old, it’s advisable to minimize file sizes as much as possible.

We recommend aiming for the smallest file sizes as possible. Guideline is supported by insights available in our Debug Mode, which can be explored further here: 8th Wall Debug Mode.

We suggest aiming for project sizes around 20MB and a maximum of 150K polygons for optimal performance. Yet, it’s important to recognize that successful augmented reality (AR) experiences have been created with both larger and smaller project dimensions. The intricacies of crafting the best possible experience extend beyond mere asset file size. Factors like rendering efficiency, code complexity, physics simulations, and lighting conditions all significantly contribute to the overall quality of the AR experience. Therefore, consider these recommendations as flexible guidelines rather than strict limits.

Additionally, significant reductions in file sizes can be achieved through the optimization of 3D files. For detailed instructions and tips on how to optimize your 3D assets, please refer to our documentation on GLB optimization: 8th Wall GLB Optimization.

The largest cuprit of large file sizes usually is because of texture size.

You can also look up device processing power here:

Specifically taking a look at the Single-Core Scores

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