Local hosting issue: devices won't authorize

Hi all! We’re having a weird issue with setting up a locally hosted project. We’re serving it with https-server, but every time we try to test on a device it gives the “device not authorzied to view…” error. We have tested with three different mobile devices, and followed the steps to give each of them an authorization token, both using the QR code and directly on the browser. We’re also serving through https, and have double checked the app key and workspace are the same.

Any other ideas what this could be? :thinking:

Thanks in advance!

Hi! Can you try the solution provided in our docs here and let me know if that fixes the issue?

Hi George, it works now! I needed to add the local ip address to the self-hosted domains section. It wasn’t immediately clear to me that I needed to do this for hosting on the 192.168 etc ip address for local hosting, but doing so in the format below worked for me.


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