Question about Distributing Web AR Content via WeChat and Line

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on a project involving the development of a Web AR experience, and we’re exploring options to distribute this content in Asia through two social networks:

.WeChat for China
.Line for Japan

I was wondering if anyone here might have insights or advice on the best approaches to effectively deliver a Web AR experience on these platforms.

Thank you in advance for your help and ideas!

Have a great day!

Hi! Welcome to the forums!

We expect WeChat and Line to support 8th Wall experiences, but testing this within China & Japan will be crucial for accurate results due to potential regional differences. If you have contacts either, they should help you test and provide feedback. Should you encounter any issues during testing, please share them with us.

On another note, be aware that the Huawei Browser, which is popular in China, doesn’t currently support 8th Wall experiences. It has several bugs, including incorrect camera labels and issues with video sources for WebGL textures. In our engine, we had to explicitly fail the compatibility check for this browser. While we’ve reported these issues to Huawei, we haven’t received updates yet. You can find an example of the reported bugs here: Huawei Community.

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