I’m having an issue where the background music in the game doesn’t seem to work properly on mobile iOS browsers, while it works fine on Android devices.
Below is a snippet of my code in the project.
GameManeger.ts script
ecs.defineState('InitialGame').initial() .onEvent('EventPlayGame', 'PreGame', {target: world.events.globalId}) .onEnter(() => { handleContinueGame() }) ecs.defineState('PreGame') .onEvent('RemoveCountDown', 'InGame', {target: world.events.globalId}) .onEnter(() => { const curSche = schemaAttribute.cursor(eid) ChangeAnimationCharacter(world, curSche, 'idle') dataAttribute.cursor(eid).isLand = true curSche.currentModel = curSche.modelIdleChar curSche.isDie = false }) ecs.defineState('InGame') .onEvent('GameOverEvent', 'AfterGame', {target: world.events.globalId}) .onEnter(() => { PlaySound(0) }) ecs.defineState('AfterGame') .onEvent('ReplayEvent', 'InitialGame', {target: world.events.globalId}) .onEnter(() => { const curSche = schemaAttribute.cursor(eid) StopSound(0) PlaySound(4) })
const audioUrls = [‘https://firebasestorage/Surfing_BGM.mp3?alt=media’,
]const soundBG = new Audio(audioUrls[0])
const jumpSfx = new Audio(audioUrls[1])
const impactSfx = new Audio(audioUrls[2])
const bonusSfx = new Audio(audioUrls[3])
const finishSfx = new Audio(audioUrls[4])
const sounds = [soundBG, jumpSfx, impactSfx, bonusSfx, finishSfx]function PlaySound(type) {
if (type === 0) {
sounds[type].loop = true
sounds[type].currentTime = 0
}function StopSound(type) {
export {PlaySound, StopSound}
I’ve researched this issue online, and it seems that Apple has its own policies to protect user experience by restricting autoplay of content with sound. Is that correct?
Is there any way to solve the problem of autoplaying sound on IOS browser?