I’ve made a .glb in Blender with baked in animation and when I check it in the assets folder and on https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ it shows the expected animation, which is called “Scene”. However when I use the target image template and trigger it with the jellyfish picture, it is static. I added animation-mixer to the entity and called the “Scene” animation but I’m not making progress and wondered if someone could let me what what the simple thing I’m missing is!?
OK new problem!! I pasted my code in but can’t see it.
Hiya Richard,
Make sure you are importing XRExtras in app.js
Note: add a < to the start of the line below, it’s also removing code for me as well when I paste it in ( on mobile )
script crossorigin=“anonymous” src=“//cdn.8thwall.com/web/aframe/aframe-extras-6.1.1.min.js”>
Then, in your entity where you have specified the glb file, make sure it has this…
animation-mixer=“clip: *;”
This will play all of the animations in the glb file.
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Hi Mal, Thanks for your response. I couldn’t make it work adding that line to app.js. But ended up putting
script src=“//cdn.8thwall.com/web/aframe/aframe-extras-6.1.1.min.js”>
into head.html and it is now working. Thanks for the tip about “clip:*;” as well.
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Ah, I meant head.html not app.js - that will teach me for answering on a phone, rather than being at a computer to test it first
- nice catch!
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It was enough to get me in the right direction so much appreciated.
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hello guys, sorry for jumping in on this chat, but my issue picks up from where this ended. I got my .glb animation to play, but now it keeps looping. How can I make it play once and stop? Because I need to also have the user be able to click on the 3D element to go to a specific link, which also I am not sure how to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated…
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Hi Ramy, I believe you just add… loop: once; so
<a-entity gltf-model="#model" animation-mixer="clip: *; loop: once;"></a-entity>
Over to you @Mal_Duffin for the second part 
Thank you so much Richard… Will try that, “with my fingers crossed”…
Hi @Ramy_Khair if you want to just play it once the target is found then you need to attach this to the model via JS:
this.el.setAttribute('animation-mixer', { // this.el being the model
clip: '*',
loop: 'once',
clampWhenFinished: true,
That will make it so that the animation only plays once and it stops animating when it hits the last frame.
Hope that helps