I am making my own movement scripts (with more functions than Position Animation).
Somehow my code always returns Point B and I am pulling my hair why it does not interpolate properly.
All logs indicate no issues, except the log returning the position.
Any ideas?
// This is a component file. You can use this file to define a custom component for your project.
// This component will appear as a custom component in the editor.
import * as ecs from '@8thwall/ecs' // This is how you access the ecs library.
name: 'LinearMovement',
schema: {
// Add data that can be configured on the component.
movableObject: ecs.eid,
pointA: ecs.eid,
pointB: ecs.eid,
duration: ecs.f32,
schemaDefaults: {
duration: 20,
// Add defaults for the schema fields.
data: {
elapsedTime: ecs.f32,
VPSFound: ecs.boolean,
isRunning: ecs.boolean,
// Add data that cannot be configured outside of the component.
add: (world, component) => {
component.data.VPSFound = false
component.data.elapsedTime = 0
// Runs when the component is added to the world.
// component.schema
const {pointA, movableObject} = component.schema
const posA = ecs.Position.get(world, pointA)
ecs.Position.set(world, movableObject, {x: posA.x, y: posA.y, z: posA.z})
// world.setPosition(movableObject, posA.x, posA.y, posA.z)
const {eid, dataAttribute} = component
// This runs when we find a VPS location
const locationFound = () => {
// This is safe because we're re-aquiring a cursor at the time we need it,
// instead of using a stale cursor from before.
const data = dataAttribute.cursor(eid)
data.elapsedTime = 0
data.VPSFound = true
data.isRunning = true
console.log('VPS Location Found')
world.events.addListener(world.events.globalId, 'reality.locationfound', locationFound)
tick: (world, component) => {
if (component.data.VPSFound === false || component.data.isRunning === false) {
function easeInOut(t) {
return t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : 1 - (-2 * t + 2 ** 2) / 2
// Runs every frame.
const {duration, pointA, pointB, movableObject} = component.schema
// Retrieve position of pointA and pointB
const posA = ecs.Position.get(world, pointA)
// Set properly
const posB = ecs.Position.get(world, pointB)
// Set properly
// Calculate interpolation factor (0 to 1)
const t = Math.min(component.data.elapsedTime / duration, 1)
// Goes between 0 and 1 smoothly
// Interpolate each coordinate
const newX = posA.x + (posB.x - posA.x) * t
const newY = posA.y + (posB.y - posA.y) * t
const newZ = posA.z + (posB.z - posA.z) * t
// Always returns PosB!!!
console.log({x: newX, y: newY, z: newZ})
// Set the new position for movableObject
ecs.Position.set(world, movableObject, {x: newX, y: newY, z: newZ})
// world.setPosition(movableObject, newX, newY, newZ)
component.data.elapsedTime += world.time.delta
if (component.data.elapsedTime > component.schema.duration) {
console.log('Stopped moving')
component.data.isRunning = false
remove: (world, component) => {
// Runs when the component is removed from the world.