8th wall documentation about requirements and supported browsers

In the 8th wall SDK (not studio) documentation, it is stated that 8th wall is mainly available on mobile browsers.
But from my understanding, 8th wall is also available on multiple headsets browsers thanks to the metaversal deployment.
I am a bit confused can somebody clarifying this?

Also if the headsets browsers are compatible, is it thanks to WebXR? Or is it still using the same technology as on the mobile platforms?

Source: Requirements

Hi, welcome to the forums!

Our goal is to unify the experience so that developers only need to create one experience that works for browsers and is viewable in immersive view on headsets thanks to WebXR. The device requirements on that page don’t specify headset support because headset content is delivered through Metaversal deployment, as you mentioned. If the browser supports it and the headset can run the browser, then it will be able to run the content as it’s delivered through the browser but viewed through the headset, thanks to WebXR.

That being said, if you find any issues with a specific headset and Metaversal deployment, please share them with us so we can look into it!

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