A-Frame Particle System with Custom Texture


How do I create a particle system with a custom texture?

I have tried adding the image as an asset first:

    <img id="particle-texture" src="./assets/particle.png">

<a-entity position="1 0 0"
    particle-system="preset: dust;
	    particleCount: 1500;
	    texture: #particle-texture"></a-entity>

and then also just the file path directly:

<a-entity position="1 0 0"
    particle-system="preset: dust;
	    particleCount: 1500; 
	    texture: ./assets/particle.png"></a-entity>
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I believe you need to use an absolute path instead of a relative path. If you open up the asset preview, right click the image and “copy full image URL” you can try to use that instead of the relative path

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That was it! Thank you so much.

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