Loading modified javascript library in head.html

Hey folks, Been trying to load a-frame particle systems using the latest a-frame version I’m using (1.4.1) and I’m having some errors bark. In particular, A-frame 1.1.4 particle-system is calling THREE.Math.generateUUID() but it’s THREE.MathUtils now, so I need to modify the code and change those references. My issue is how can I load this library in my head.html locally? I tried to host it on my private server and refer to it, but I think it’s being blocked since it’s probably being filtered on compilation.

Any advice on this would be very appreciated!


You could try using the c-frame fork of the library, which is actively maintained by the community:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/c-frame/aframe-particle-system-component@latest/dist/aframe-particle-system-component.min.js"></script>
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