Any limitations to user traffic?

Hey folks…
I’m new to 8th Wall and keen to jump in and sign up.
I just have a simple and hopefully easy to answer question regrading usage.
Are there any caps or limitations to views of an AR activation using 8th Wall… or do all plans, offer unlimited visits/scans of the activation targets?
Thanks in advance :pray:

8th Wall plans now include unlimited views (with certain restrictions, please see 8th Wall | Pricing and Plans - WebAR, AR, WebVR Developer Tools and SDK, What are the restrictions on unlimited views?) section.

However, also keep in mind that an 8th Wall project requires a Commercial License if you are planning to use it for any commercial purposes and/or paid use case. Ex. 1) You are an agency and you have a contract to develop a WebAR campaign for a client; 2) You are a company building a WebAR project or integrating 8th Wall technology into your platform.

If you are hosting your WebAR experience with 8th Wall, it lives in a global CDN with 450+ points of presence around the globe (Our hosting systems are backed by AWS CloudFront) - it can handle massive amounts of traffic

Wonderful… thanks Ian.
We are already connected on LinkedIn and I’m a big fan of the assets that you’ve created.

Looking forward to getting my head around 8th Wall and I take on board your point about the Commercial License… :+1:

Thanks again and enjoy your weekend,

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Hey Ian,

I hope your Monday is going to plan.

I have just had a video call with Declan Johnson (what a fabulous individual) who loves the 8th Wall product and I have to say, he would be perfect for the work I have in mind.

Can I please ask about the Commercial licenses?

Are they per project or as a one man operator looking to onboard different clients, will the license collectively cover the work that I do, regardless to the number of clients?

What is the price, Ian mentioned $3.000 per month, is that correct :open_mouth: and if so, what does that expenditure give you?

I’m really keen to peruse this road that I’ve spent a couple of days travelling down… and start really motoring with regards to the potentials that I have but obviously it has to be viable for all parties…

Many thanks,

Please reach out to so we can connect you with a team member on the business development/licensing side of things :slight_smile:

Shall do… thanks Evan. :+1:

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