Architecture projection with geo-localisation

Hello everyone, I’m new here. My question is has anyone built an architectural scene with Geo-localisation? I have an Unreal project for a building in VR but I wanna be able to use 8th Wall to build an AR experience. Thanks!

Hi @Adley_Glemaud!

I believe in your case VPS would be the best way to move forward. You can check through the VPS map to check if the desired location already has meshes available that you can attach your building to. And if not, you can always create a new VPS Wayspot and do your own scans to create a mesh in the desired location that better fits your requirements. More on this is in the 8thWall Docs:

In terms of development, I’d like to suggest the AFRAME route for it, as it’s fully prepared with a desktop development component, which gives you an inspector and an almost Unreal/Unity-like interface that can definitely speed up the development process here:

Hope this helps :slight_smile: