Chroma Key In image Targets

Hello I am trying to get the chroma key feature into my image target project. I saw this code snippet on stack overflow ```

You can reference thsi sample project

Thank you Ian it seems my code snippet didnt paste I use this project already but i was asking how to reference it as a tag in my image target project currently my chroma key line looks like this

and we used
this component. I am looking to do something like this with that project.


For some reason my code snippets are blank

<xrextras-named-image-target name="bottle">
      xrextras-play-video="video: #greenpattern-video; canstop: true"
      geometry="primitive: plane; height: 1.5; width: 1.5;"
      material="shader: chromakey; src: #greenpattern-video; color: 0.02 .65 .28" >

Can you please specify as to what you are trying to do? More clarification would be helpful.

I am trying to make an image target of a bottle then play an edited video of the bottle and green screen out the background in 8th wall using the chromakey features. is the way to do it to just port over the logic to my image target project or is there a way that I can reference it. I would like to use the similarity parameter but my line of code looks like this material="shader: chromakey; src: #greenpattern-video; color: 0.02 .65 .28" >

You need to load in external script as well in head.html if you have not already

<script src=""></script>

Please verify. As shown in project here.