Face Assets

Hello everyone!

I was just wondering if there are any available references to download for the Face Mesh and Face Mesh texture.



You should be able to right click them in the assets browser and choose download.

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Hi George,

Thanks for your response - I am currently using Niantic studio so when I add a face mask - no assets are added to the asset browser. It’s like a default face mask so I was wondering if it can be downloaded on their website somewhere?

More information on what you are trying to do would be helpful.

If you are trying to add your own face mesh texture, you can use the face alpha mask as a reference to create a transparent texture which is applied to the face mesh at runtime.

Hi Evan,

I do a lot of work with face masks and textures (think having your favourite teams colours and logos on your face etc) - I just wanted the raw glb of the face mask and the unwrapped UV map so that I could edit in photoshop and use it as a reference but what you have provided is very helpful :slight_smile: Thanks!