So I was thinking about a way to speed my development time, and identify what are the bottle necks are. Basically Iβve found the majority of the development time goes in mixing files and projects to make them work.
So I was thinking it would be really cool to have a tool that merges files and knows what version of AR library to use between one that has old features and one that has new features.
I was thinking that instead of me manually having to add the file and code, the tool could allow me to mix 1 or more projects by just selecting the projects, and then click on merge.
A merge tool should have in consideration the compatibility between AR. Like an if that if Hand tracking and world tracking is enabled, it prompts an user that says, incompatible features.
I know this might be asking too much but think about the posibility of having a tool that shrinks the development time from weeks to seconds. So then I can focus on what really matters, coding new features, or modiying the templates.
this tools would help make a reality, the first idea I posted about having a menu of ar features you can toogle. This way this code will do the magic behind the idea.
if there was a merge tool, by togling on the metaversal featuree, it would merge and modify the existing file with the line of code that converts the experience truly metaversal.
I think that by making features / tools like this it would help me and others test and modify or even create combinations of templates and since there are many many templates. combining 10 templates wouldnt be a titan task, rather a simple task of a few clicks.
What yall think? does this make sense?
Thanks for listening my crazy ideas,
keep it up with the great work!