Fun XR game made in 48 hours for jam - uses phone movement as input

This was created as part of the 48 hour Kenney Jam 2024 - it wasn’t admissible at the end, as the final project has to be hosted on or an App Store ( so that updates can’t be made after the deadline ).

Play it from the link below ( and feel free to repost! :metal: )


I spent a bit more time over the last few days tidying up a branched version of the game prototype I made at the weekend - time to move onto something else!

Collect:AR ( Kenney Food collection )
Collect:AR ( Lego Marvel characters )
Collect:AR ( Realistic biscuits )

I added the ability to load an external GLB file containing different models, to replace the existing ones - so you can see some of your own content within it!

To do this, use the URL like this…

If the scale is incorrect, add the relevant scale factor ( 0.5 for half, 2.0 for twice size etc )…

If possible, place all of the model parents in the root of the scene. The code will search down the hierarchy for a list of nodes, but it hasn’t been tested properly outside of getting it to work for my few test glbs.

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