Hola una consulta, cómo hacer en game studio para que antes de ubicar un objeto ar world, primero aparezca un mensaje para el usuario del tipo “tap to place” en este ejemplo? Studio: Door Portal | 8th Wall | 8th Wall.
Hi, welcome to the forums!
To add a “tap to place” welcome message, I recommend creating a custom component and using a state machine to manage the logic. Here’s an example of how the state machine could work:
State 1: “Waiting” (Initial)
Set up event listeners for the ecs.input.SCREEN_TOUCH_STARTED
event. When this event is triggered, transition to the “Placed” state.
State 2: “Placed”
Upon entering this state, create the entity and apply the necessary components (e.g., door mesh, splat, etc.).
I hope this helps! I’ll see about putting together a sample project to demonstrate this approach.
Do you have a sample?, I am not an expert please
Do you have a sample?, I am not an expert please
Check out the clone-able sample I created here:
mmm, la idea del “tap to place” es tener control sobre donde ubicar la puerta en el plano horizontal, ¿es posible tener ese control en Game Studio?, el ejemplo que has compartido no lo resuelve.
The sample doesn’t have it but using the sample you can easily take the code from our World Effects project and replace the current code inside of the state-machine
buenooo…siii, es como una ayuda sin ser ayuda…en fin…gracias por el intento.