GLTF loading on selfhost projects


I’ve faced a problem of GLTF-assets loading on a self-host three.js project. The problem occurs on devices with not-high speed internet connection and comes with absent GLTF-models and irrelevant errors in a developer console like ones below

THREE.WebGLProgram: Shader Error 0 - VALIDATE_STATUS false
THREE.WebGLProgram: Shader Error 1282 - VALIDATE_STATUS false

I provide a link to a repo with a source code below (removed for now). Actually, it can’t be launched in the editor. But I can’t figure out how to provide the project source code in a more convenient way

Are you using .glb format? Have you optimized the geometry/textures of the model(s)?

We aren’t able to access source code of cloud editor projects unless the project is published with a featured project page and clonable code. A better way to share your self-hosted project code would be to upload it to github and share a link to the public repository.

Thank you for your response

But it seems like I’ve just improperly handled resource loading

Close it for now

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