Hand tracking issues


I have doing hand tracking to place a ring on the index finger, but its pretty bad to show it to my client, I am using the indexLower joint to place and this is how it is:

I am not doing much here to the positions, the origin of the ring is in the center and still the tracking is really not good.

Anyway I can improve this?

Image ref, as you can see the debugging joints don’t even move with the index finger correctly when I make my fingers move apart:

Hello @WebGl_Force optimization of the 3D assets may help with tracking ability along with hand occlusion to give a more realsitic effect.

To ensure optimal tracking performance, it’s crucial to maintain adequate lighting and keep your hand centered in the camera’s field of view.

Hi @Ian ,

In the above image I posted, the models (spheres) are like 500 tris, my hand is centered and the lighting was adequate as well, but as I pulled my fingers apart, you can see the positions of the spheres was not at all tracking well with the joints of the bones.
And here I am just setting the spheres positions to the bone joint as is(coming from 8th wall) and not modifying anything related to position, scale or rot from my code.