Hey Guys.
How can I get the actual final size of my Build/App.
I know the max App size cannot go beyond 100mb, but where is my current size displayed.
Hey Guys.
How can I get the actual final size of my Build/App.
I know the max App size cannot go beyond 100mb, but where is my current size displayed.
The 100mb limit is per asset, not for the whole project. The whole project can be as big as you want, but I would definitely recommend staying well below that.
Thanks George.
But thatโs not the question.
I want to know how can I see the Final App size after I build it.
Like an apk file with everything inside it.
Not possible, youโll have to count the asset sizes manually. However Iโve asked the engineering team to add it to ecs.assets.
Ok, thank you.
Hope it gets implemented soon.