How to set loading background in Playcanvas


Wondering what the best way to set the loading background is in Playcanvas?

    onxrloaded: runOnLoad({pcCamera, pcApp:}, [
      LandingPage.pipelineModule(), // Detects unsupported browsers and gives hints.
      XRExtras.Loading.pipelineModule(), // Manages the loading screen on startup.
      XRExtras.RuntimeError.pipelineModule(), // Shows an error image on runtime error.
      CoachingOverlay.pipelineModule(), // Add the absolute scale coaching overlay
        name: 'trackingstate',
        listeners: [
          {event: 'reality.trackingstatus', process: ({detail}) => window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('xrtrackingstatus', {
            detail: {
              status: detail.status,
              reason: detail.reason,

Can we set it here somewhere? or do we have to use CSS?

Youโ€™ll need to use CSS. For reference, you can take a look at the loading module code here: web/xrextras/src/loadingmodule at master ยท 8thwall/web ยท GitHub