How to stop all previous video streaming in XR8.MediaRecorder

When I press and hold the capture button, the video will be recorded, and when the preview closes:

  • IOS: The capture button appears and I can start recording another video.
  • Android : The record button appears with loading class, so recording cannot continue until the onVideoReady event completes.

I want to close the preview, then stop the video being recorded and be able to start recording a new video.

I tried to customize extra mediarecorder but it didn’t work because an error appeared:
Error: [XR] Recording already in progress

Can anyone suggest me any solution? Thank you.

Have you tried reducing the maxDurationMs to a smaller number such as 5 seconds?

  • Cannot record anymore, it will switch to taking screenshots.
  • I want to set it to about 40 seconds so I can’t reduce maxDurationMs.

Understood, we will report this to the internal team. For now, it looks like a dev was able to find a temporary solution by reducting the maxDuration time

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Error: [XR] Recording already in progress: I wonder if there’s a function to stop the video being recorded?