I need assistance with this topic please

I’m trying to fit a 3d object on a real time object, I know 8th wall doesn’t support segmentation in AR, and object detection, but I’ll train a model just on my specific project and integrate it into 8th wall, I just need more assistance into it , I would like to have a call and explain to you exactly what I’m trying to achieve, and just guide me on it please.

8th Wall currently doesn’tsupport 3D object tracking. In theory, if you found a javascript library that could do this, you could integrate it into your 8th Wall project.

You can certainly access the camera pixels and process them with a computer vision library using a custom [camera pipeline module]
(XR8.addCameraPipelineModule() | 8th Wall). Check out our sample project here: Camera Pipeline: QR Code | 8th Wall | 8th Wall.