I want to measure the size of the room and draw some lines like in the image. Is it possible ?


You can use absolute scale for an experience like this. However, aboslute scale is usually for showcasing products such as cars, furniture etc. at a correct size. It may not be the best for exact measurements like shown in your example.

You can reference the sample proejct and documentation here: https://www.8thwall.com/8thwall/absolute-scale-aframe

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Thank you for your response. I’ve tried your example here https://www.8thwall.com/8thwall/absolute-scale-aframe
But feel like the object size is changing when moving. For example:

  • When I drag the object to the chair, it’s size is approximately same at the chair
  • When I drag the object to the laptop on table, it’s size is approximately same at the laptop
    Is there anyway we can show the model so that it always have the size exactly at real world

Can you share photos?