Spatial distance for 3D figures

I need to create a 3D tower in a life size scaled. Is there a particular video that I should be following or that will help the best. Still very new to this software so just looking for a baseline to start growing! Thank you

Hello @Enswins_Cordero
If you want a 3D model to be true or absolute scale you can certainly reference our Absolute Scale Sample Project here:

along with our tutorial video here:

This video helps explain the difference between realtive scale (8th Wall default scale) and absolute scale

Hello, I saw that I can use Sky Effects to upload a 3D GBL as a practice for the project I am working on. I was trying to take out the space ship, so I can replace my 3D asset with the Doty but once I deleted just the spaceship code but the whole thing disappeared. Thank you so much

I would suggest using this template as it is a more basic project

Then add a .glb model into then position it into the sky.