Hey there,
I’m having an issue and I have tried searching it in the forums, internet or using chatgpt but nothing sadly. I think for people who are familiar with the cloud-editor and image target it should be easy.
I have cloned a template (A-Frame: Image targets template) and I want to have a business card as flat image. I did upload it in the image target and renamed it in the body.html and app.js but i still see the jellyfish as preview, even when deleting the image target from it. I thought maybe it’s my business card bugging because it has a non existing QR code on it so I tried it with another one that I have picked from Google and still it doesn’t work. I checked the names multiple times when changing it and also put a .jpg or .png after it but that doesn’t work so for now I have just the name of the business card. When I click on the image target to edit it and you see the QR code of it to test it, it doesn’t work on the pc version but when I scan it with my mobile and scan the real life business card I do see a black frame around it so maybe it’s working? But as i said I don’t see it in the preview within the cloud editor.
I can’t figure out where the issue is. In the screenshots I have applied the scripts i’m using and what i’m seeing. I hope someone can help me out, I will be eternally grateful
Thank you.
I think it does work because I see a black frame when scanning the business card in real life, but the desktop ‘test it out’ link doesn’t work. I have read in the documentation of image target that custom image targets are not previewable in the simulator so that was my answer. But now i’m still having an issue with the placeholder, I don’t have one.
If someone wants to know the situation on what I want to achieve. A business card that you can scan in real life with a greenscreen person on it and 3D buttons which redirects to social media.
It seems there’s some confusion around how our simulator works. Currently, there isn’t a way to simulate uploaded image targets directly in the simulator, but this is definitely something we’re exploring for the future.
In the meantime, you can click “Preview” and test your experience by scanning the QR code with your mobile device while using a picture of your image target.
Hey George,
Thank you for your answer. As i said in my reply I figured it out that it wasn’t possible in the simulator, but thanks for clarifying that it might be there in the future. The next issue that i’m having is that you probably need to see some kind of placeholder on your target irl, is that correct?
Yes, that’s the correct. Usually what I do is have the image target displaying on my computer in another tab and open the experience on my phone.
I try to do that aswell but it’s not working properly. I have started another topic to be helped per step so this one can be closed, thank you very much :).