Increase imageTracking quality / stability in PlayCanvas

Hi There!

In our current project were using PlayCanvas and Image Trackig. Now im wondering if its possible to increase the experience in terms of stability. The image tracking basically does its job, but if youre moving your phone you can see, that its lagging a bit. Our customer is now asking if we can do something about it.

To exclude the option, that its may content related i took the very basic PlayCanvas image Tracking excample and experienced the same result. When comparing the image Tracking with the world tracking excample, the world tracking seems to be more stable (makes sense in my opinion).

So my question: is it possible to combine both frameworks together? Using the imagetracking to hold the position / orientation, but increase / support the stability with world tracking? I saw you can disableWorldTracking in the xrController, but it makes no difference if its enabled or disabled.

Any inputs would be great!

Thank you!

A couple options you can take moving forward.

(1) Make the image target tarcker better

We recommend using an image target with the following characteristics:

  1. No reflective surfaces
  2. Varied and abundant detail
  3. High image contrast
  4. Absence of repetitive patterns
  5. Minimal whitespace
  6. Preferably a photograph or image with high local contrast, as opposed to logos or vector-based graphics
  7. Avoid using images with excessive text

For further guidance on optimizing image target tracking, please refer to our documentation: 8th Wall

Additionally, you may find this youtube tutorial helpful

(2) You could reference this thread where you could place a 3D model in SLAM space on xrimagefound event