Working inside Image Target Tracking and AMMO Physics

Hi everyone,

Been working with trying to use image target tracking with ammo physics lately and having a heck of a time dealing with ammo-shape / collision bounds using physics.

Was curious if anyone has dealt with this in the past and figured out a proper setup. The entity containing my physics activated objects are inside the image target entity which I think is probably the wrong approach since the colliders live in the world space and are not updating properly due to the changing scale during xrimagefound / xrupdate event updates.

The only other approach I’ve been trying is putting the physics object container outside the image-target entity in the root of the scene, and updating it’s position using xrextras-attach, but of course the scale has to be considered once again during xrimage updates.

Hope that makes sense, thanks!


I’m having a hard time conceptualizing the issue, would you mind sharing a picture of how your scene is set up?

This thread may be helpful

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Thanks, this seems to have solved the physics objects glitching out. Appreciate your reference here.


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