Introducing react-8thwall-aframe: An open-source React library for seamless integration of 8th Wall WebAR in existing web applications

Hello fellow 8th Wall developers! :wave:

I’m excited to share a new open-source package that I’ve been working on: react-8thwall-aframe
This lightweight library aims to simplify the integration of 8th Wall’s WebAR capabilities into React applications. If you’ve ever struggled with combining React and 8th Wall, this package might be just what you need!

Key features:

  • Easy script management for 8th Wall and A-Frame
  • React hooks for WebAR script loading states
  • Simplified A-Frame component registration in React
  • Built-in support for Draco-compressed models
  • Full TypeScript support

:package: npm: react-8thwall-aframe - npm
:octopus: GitHub: GitHub - devhims/react-8thwall-aframe: 8thwall integration with aframe for react based web augmented reality applications

I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Feel free to try it out, star the repo if you find it useful, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement!