InWorld AI Module - Triggered Events

Hi there,

Iā€™m working on an InWorld Character experience and seem to be hitting a wall when it comes to the custom InWorld Triggers.

Iā€™m using the ā€œconsole.log(ā€˜Trigger Receivedā€™, evt.trigger)ā€ snippet from the module doc but it doesnā€™t ever seem to register my custom triggers from the InWorld Character. Using the Chat feature on the InWorld Platform, I can see these triggers are being called, but just not read on the 8th wall side.

Apologies if Iā€™m just being dense, but any help would be great. Thank you

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Looking at the module documentation, it looks like youā€™re referring to this code snippet:

onMessage(evt) {
    // Enable if you want to see what each packet being sent looks like
    // console.log(evt)
    if (evt.isText()) {
        console.log('Text Received', evt.text)
    } else if (evt.isEmotion()) {
        console.log('Emotion Received', evt.emotions)
    } else if (evt.isTrigger()) {
        console.log('Trigger Received', evt.trigger)
    } else if (evt.isInteractionEnd()) {
        console.log('End of Character chat response')

Have you tried uncommenting console.log(evt) to see whether the event is coming through at all?

Thank for getting back to me

Yes, I have. And even using a console.log(ā€˜testā€™) within the onMessage(evt) doesnt seem to come through.

I placed the script where the window.inworld was called, so the app.js script.

I see - what framework are you using (A-Frame, three.js)?

Can you provide the full code snippet from your app.js?

Sure thing.
Iā€™m using a-frame

And here is the app.js file:

import './main.css'
import './instructions.css'
import './fonts.css'
import {Inworld} from 'inworld'

window.Inworld = Inworld
try {
  window.Inworld = Inworld({
    playerName: 'Me',
    async onHistoryChange(history) {
      console.log('History', history)
    onLoaded() {
      console.log('Client Built')
    onReady() {
      console.log('Client Open')
    onDisconnect() {
      console.log('Client Closed or Paused')
    onMessage(evt) {
      // Enable if you want to see what each packet being sent looks like
      if (evt.isText()) {
        console.log('Text Received', evt.text)
      } else if (evt.isEmotion()) {
        console.log('Emotion Received', evt.emotions)
      } else if (evt.isTrigger()) {
        console.log('Trigger Received', evt.trigger)
      } else if (evt.isInteractionEnd()) {
        console.log('End of Character chat response')
    onError(err) {
      // Inworld Client Connection Errors
      switch (err.code) {
        case 1:
        case 10:
          // Errors that can be supressed
          throw err
    onPhoneme(evt) {
    capabilities: {
      phonemes: true,
      emotions: true,
      turnBasedStt: true,
      interruptions: true,
} catch (err) {
  // Inworld 8thWall module errors
  // Insert your error response code here
  // Recommended to display an error dialog
  // and reset the experience

import {imageAnchorComponent} from './components/persistent-image-anchor'
AFRAME.registerComponent('persistent-image-anchor', imageAnchorComponent())

import {appFlowComponent} from './components/app-flow'
AFRAME.registerComponent('app-flow', appFlowComponent())

import {inworldComponent} from './components/inworld'
AFRAME.registerComponent('inworld', inworldComponent())

import {talkComponent} from './components/talk'
AFRAME.registerComponent('talk', talkComponent())

import {revealParticleComponent} from './components/reveal-particle'
AFRAME.registerComponent('reveal-particle', revealParticleComponent())

import {mouthMovementComponent} from './components/mouth-movements'
AFRAME.registerComponent('mouth-movement', mouthMovementComponent())

import {emotionsComponent} from './components/emotions'
AFRAME.registerComponent('emotions', emotionsComponent())

import {animationMixerComponent} from './components/animation-mixer.js'
AFRAME.registerComponent('animation-mixer-base', animationMixerComponent)

import {tapPlaceCursorComponent} from './components/tap-place-cursor'
AFRAME.registerComponent('tap-place-cursor', tapPlaceCursorComponent)

// Force 8thwall to request mic permissions on load as well
const onxrloaded = () => {
    name: 'microphone',
    requiredPermissions: () => ([XR8.XrPermissions.permissions().MICROPHONE]),

window.XR8 ? onxrloaded() : window.addEventListener('xrloaded', onxrloaded)

The best practice is to put custom Javascript inside of an A-Frame component, similar to the sample project. Also, comparing the sample project code with your code, I donā€™t see you calling window.inworldClient.connect() anywhere. I suggest taking another look at inworld.js from the sample project and doing something more similar to that in your project.

Ay great, thank you
Obviously didnā€™t take a proper look at what was already in place. Seemed to have gotten everything sorted and the trigger came though

Thanks again :pray:

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