Is Niantic Studio required for a VPS project?

Hi, I’m scoping out a potential VPS project and want to make sure that it’s still possible to use VPS on a self-hosted project?

From reviewing the docs, it looks like once we add xrweb="enableVps: true;" we can listen for an xrmeshfound event. Once it’s found, then we load our glb’s and assuming the 3D art has been designed around the mesh, all will work as intended? Or are there VPS features that require the studio?

thanks in advance, Seth

Hi Seth! Welcome to the forums!

Yes, that’s correct—once you add enableVps: true to the xrweb configuration, you can listen for the xrmeshfound event, and upon detecting the mesh, you can load your GLB files. As long as your 3D art is designed to align with the mesh, everything should work as expected.

You can check out the README in the example repo here for more details:

Hope that helps!

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