Issue with image target and moving forward

So with my project my object seems to be moving around to much. Rotation seems to be updating somewhat fine when i move around but it doesn’t stay put in world space when i move forward or back. My image target component is setup very similar to what’s been posted in previous projects, my only addition is adding a persistence tag so when the image target is lost it stays at its last location.

const imageTargetComponent = () => ({
  schema: {
    name: {type: 'string'},
    persistPosition: {type: 'boolean', default: true},  // Add option to control persistence
  init() {
    const {object3D} = this.el
    const {name} =
    object3D.visible = false
    let targetFound = false
    let lastPosition = null
    let lastRotation = null
    let lastScale = null

    const showImage = ({detail}) => {
      if (name !== {

      // Store the position, rotation and scale
      lastPosition = detail.position
      lastRotation = detail.rotation
      lastScale = detail.scale

      // Update object transform
      object3D.scale.set(detail.scale, detail.scale, detail.scale)
      object3D.visible = true

    const imageFound = (e) => {
      targetFound = true
      console.log('found img')

    const imageLost = (e) => {
      // Only hide the object if persistence is disabled or target was never found
      if (! || !targetFound) {
        object3D.visible = false
      } else if (lastPosition && lastRotation && lastScale) {
        // Keep the last known position when target is lost
        object3D.scale.set(lastScale, lastScale, lastScale)
        object3D.visible = true

    this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrimagefound', imageFound)
    this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrimageupdated', showImage)
    this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrimagelost', imageLost)

To note i tested this without my persist tag to see if that was the issue which it is not.

I have attached a video to show you my issue, you can see that rotating seems to working fine but once i move forward the model also moves forward.

I’ve tried keeping disableWorldTracking: true and false.

Current camera

<a-camera position="0 4 10" raycaster="objects: .cantap" cursor="fuse: false; rayOrigin: mouse;"></a-camera>

My image target


Can you share your project with as well as provide the name of the project?