Versions of cdn files


Is there a simple up to date list of what versions to use of various 8th wall cdn links?
Or even a list off all those plug-ins available? Now it seems you need to find a demo project and then copy those cdn links. But those versions are sometimes out of date.


but also

this last one I tried to change to

So I would have a updated a-frame version. But then there is a legacy light problem error.
(there is a-frame 1.6.0 but then I get that a-frame is not loaded)

What are the production ready files to use? In what combination?
Becouse maybe my physics system does not match the a-frame version and so on…

Kind regards.

I’m having a similar issue trying to figure out what versions of particle-system, physics, and a-frame are available in the 8th wall system. I’ve been bashing my head trying to put together old and new libraries without barking errors. I was able to get 1.4.1 a-frame to load on my end ATM.

Learn anything new on this?

Hi @Roel_Van_der_planken @Adrian_Stiegler - we’ve published a page in our documentation outlining all of the packages and versions we host on our CDN here:


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hiya Evan,

With A-Frame 1.6 having been out for two months now, are there plans to add it to the available packages?

The change logs mention improved memory handling and performance improvments, which is always good esp on mobile.

**A-Frame 1.6.0 is out!** Tons of bug fixes. Memory management and performance improvements. API to control tick / tock execution order.

β€œThis is because 8th Wall uses a custom version of A-Frame that makes various improvements to better support AR.”

Also, would it be useful to feed those changes back into A-Frame, so it’s easier to update in the future?

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