Quantity over quality wayspots over city to create a a city size game board

Hello dear team, okay so today I woke up eager to build my dreams into reality with 8thwall.

When leaning over developing with VPS In the city in Argentina where I’m in, there aren’t too much VPS, actually there are only 2, 1 I activated other that was already here near.

So this is the thing, when envisioning the technology of tomorrow, the timing is key, and currently take 10 scans at different times of the day of a Wayspot is a task that I don’t time to do since I work from 9 to 5, I only have 1 hour of break that I can use to go to the Wayspot to do the scan.

So currently I feel I need more quantity of VPs Wayspot like if the scan count can be lower to 5, then I would need to add 3 more and ideal 5 or more to improve stability.

Currently in the timeframe I envision my projects of 6 months or so, I don’t see me going to scan this places around at different time 10 times for each Wayspot. Sorry it’s not viable.

And this limit my intention of creating complex, games. Perhaps VPS is more ready in other countries but, I feel that at this point it would be better to prioritize at least for Latam, quantity of VPS activated wayspots to over quality.

Because how I can make a procedural, city scale real world metaverse game if there is only 1 or 2 VPS in an area? Not viable right?

Is there anything the team can make to make the process of activating VPS is faster and easier?

Anything this are my thoughts and my pains when building for VPS in Latam - Argentina.

One last though, when I see me building the future, I see me doing it in webAR with 8thwall. And I’m building so… but can’t create a real world metaverse without VPS.

So here we are! What yall think and feel about this?
Kudos to the team and happy coding :purple_heart::man_technologist:t2: