RTMP Livestreaming within Image Target video

Hello, we are looking for a coding solution to put RTMP to integrate or host on 8th Wall a simulcast looping video within our AR experience. So all viewers of the image target will experience the video play independently all at once. Giving the effect of turning on a television broadcast. Is that possible within 8th Wall? I’ve been told only Unity has that capability.

Hi @Agnes_Paras you can certainly do this. We don’t provide any back-end services, so as a pre-requisite you’d have to setup the video streaming service outside of 8th Wall.

Assuming you have that in place, you can certainly pull a livestream video into a Web AR experience you have created.

This example uses a streamed video inside a 360 portal, but you could do similar with your own video on top of an image target:

A number of client experiences have launched where livestream video is displayed so all users see the same content simultaneously. Here are a few that come to mind:

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