[Studio] - Project keeps reloading when switching active camera - 100% repro


I managed to re-create the issue where the project reload itself in an infinite loop, and seems to be caused by switching camera from a world camera to a 3d camera

What’s happening here is:

1 - At the state BattleArena and WorldExploration are hidden from the studio

2 - GameManager has a state machine and dispatches a switchScene event at the start

  stateMachine: ({world, eid, schemaAttribute}) => {
      .onEnter(() => {
        world.events.dispatch(world.events.globalId, 'switchScene', {scene: 'battleArena'})

3 - SceneManager listen to switchScene, hide both BattleArena and WorldExploration, then display BattleArena (remove the hidden component) and switches the active camera to the relevant one:

    function switchScene(e) {
      console.log('switchScene', e.data.scene)
      if (e.data.scene === 'battleArena') {
        ecs.Hidden.remove(world, schemaAttribute.get(eid).battleArenaScene)
        // if I remove camera set active it seems to behave as expected, but unfortunately I need
        // to swtich as I am switching from a world camera to a 3d camera

Is there anything that I am doing wrong?

Thanks a lot

Full code and videos below

Game Manager

import * as ecs from '@8thwall/ecs'  // This is how you access the ecs library.

  name: 'gameManager',
  schema: {
    // Add data that can be configured on the component.
  schemaDefaults: {
    // Add defaults for the schema fields.
  data: {
    // Add data that cannot be configured outside of the component.
  stateMachine: ({world, eid, schemaAttribute}) => {
      .onEnter(() => {
        world.events.dispatch(world.events.globalId, 'switchScene', {scene: 'batteArena'})

Scene Manager

// This is a component file. You can use this file to define a custom component for your project.
// This component will appear as a custom component in the editor.

import * as ecs from '@8thwall/ecs'  // This is how you access the ecs library.

  name: 'SceneManager',
  schema: {
    // Add data that can be configured on the component.
    battleArenaScene: ecs.eid,
    battleArenaCamera: ecs.eid,
    worldExplorationScene: ecs.eid,
    worldExplorationamera: ecs.eid,
  schemaDefaults: {
    // Add defaults for the schema fields.
  data: {
    displayedScene: ecs.eid,
  add: (world, component) => {
    // Runs when the component is added to the world.
  tick: (world, component) => {
    // Runs every frame.
  remove: (world, component) => {
    // Runs when the component is removed from the world.
  stateMachine: ({world, eid, schemaAttribute}) => {
    function hideAllScenes() {
      ecs.Hidden.set(world, schemaAttribute.get(eid).worldExplorationScene, {})
      ecs.Hidden.set(world, schemaAttribute.get(eid).battleArenaScene, {})

    function switchScene(e) {
      console.log('switchScene', e.data.scene)
      if (e.data.scene === 'battleArena') {
        ecs.Hidden.remove(world, schemaAttribute.get(eid).battleArenaScene)

      .onEnter(() => {
        world.events.addListener(world.events.globalId, 'switchScene', switchScene)
      .onExit(() => {
        world.events.removeListener(world.events.globalId, 'switchScene', switchScene)

Thanks for reporting this, I’ll forward it to the team so we can get it fixed.

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Thanks for looking into this :raised_hands: