Swap Front/Back Cam w/ 3D Model?

Hi Team!

I’m trying to create an AR application with a front facing camera option where a 3d model is anchored to the top of a user’s head as well as a back camera option where a user can move and manipulate a 3D model (like Manipulate 3D Model project). I was wondering if anyone knows is this is feasible with the current 8th wall technology. I have gotten both options to work independently but when it comes to switching between front and back camera, I either see model flickering or the XR service crashes. I have tried combining various elements of the sample projects but no combination has worked without some kind of bug. If there are any similar, working examples I would really appreciate it if someone could point me to them!

Yes, this is certainly possible. you can reference the example project here:

The important logic that switches the camera can be found in the swap-camera.js file here: