VPS Location Failed To Activate

Hey, im in the Niantic Accelerator Fund and need to use VPS for my project. I scanned my location more than the required amount (despite some of my scans being deleted because of a bug) and activated it but recently got the “VPS : Failed Activation” Error. I need to submit my project by the 16th and would love some support on this issue.

Location is called : Bastille_Skatepark_Ledge1
Located at : 34 Bd Bourdon, 75004 Paris, France
Coordinates : 48.852197999999994, 2.3683009999999998

Uploading: NIantic_Failed_Activation.png…

I already contacted support for this but it’s been a few days since ive received an answer so i thought i’d post it here too.

Any help would be appreciated thank you!


Thanks for reaching out! I’m currently working on getting more information from our mapping team regarding this issue. I’ll provide you with an update as soon as I hear back.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime!

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