Vps + slam

Hello ,
I have tried using VPS by scanning a wall as the VPS object and spawning a 3D model near the VPS object. However, when I look around the object, my camera moves away from the VPS object, requiring me to point the camera back at the VPS object. Is there any way to use SLAM with VPS? Alternatively, if you have any other solutions, I would be grateful to try them. Thank you.

Hello @Lastmile to fix this you can just remove the logic that hides the entity when the VPS spot is lost.

For example comment out

object3D.visible = false

So the object 3D isn’t hidden on lost


Or you can also just remove the event listener for xrprojectwayspotlost

//this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrprojectwayspotlost', lostWayspot)