Wayfarer VPS Nominations

I just received an email that 2 of my wayspot nominations were “rejected” …of course, when I go to the Wayfarer website, I can’t login anywhere. After doing some digging I did find a site that had the criteria for rejection: Rejection Criteria — Wayfarer Help Center

I have absolutely no idea why my wayspots were rejected. They are in a public space/museum and don’t fall into any of the rejection criteria. I emailed the Wayfarer support team to appeal the decision and received a very confusing response that contained a broken link:

The nominations made with the Wayfarer beta app are provisional and are only for testing purposes. Therefore, they will not appear on the Nomination Management section of its submitter’s Wayfarer profile. As a result, any such nominations that were rejected cannot be appealed through Wayfarer.

For more information on this, please refer to our Wayfarer App Update: (https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/38033/wayfarer-app-update)

For the time being, we ask that you continue to submit nominations and edits via the Ingress Scanner or the Pokémon GO app until the full version of the Wayfarer app is ready.

I would love some help and clarification on this. I am actively using VPS for my 8th Wall content…and have some plans to use it for some more stuff soon.


Hi @Stephen_Kenny, can you please share the titles and latitude/longitudes associated with your nominations so we can take a look in more detail? Also, did you nominate the locations via Wayfarer or via the Geospatial Browser?

Thank you for the note on the rejection email/broken link - I have passed this along to the Wayfarer team.

Hi @Evan ,

Thanks for the help! Here are the 2 waypoints in question:

Lux-Zeplin Dark Matter Detector – 44.35 / -103.76
Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center – Unknown (I didn’t have it attached to a project yet and all of the information on it has since disappeared from the geospatial browser).

I used the Wayfarer app to scan the points of interest. I believe I activated the wayspots in the browser. I really don’t remember. Does that make a difference?


It looks like both Lux-Zeplin Dark Matter Detector and Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center have been approved and activated. Are you able to find and use these locations in your project?

Well that’s odd. I’m glad it’s active again. I do see that is says “public” again. Any insight on why this happened? Rejected then approved? Attached a screenshot from yesterday and what I see now.

A handful of locations were incorrectly auto-rejected on April 26, the mapping team reconciled the affected locations yesterday. Thanks for raising this :slight_smile:


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