Webview on ios, the camera video feed is showing on top of the canvas


I’m working on the AR part of an ios project.
The app launches a webview with my web content, hosted online.
On safari and chrome, no pb, but in the ios app webview the video feed from the camera is displayed full screen on top of the canvas in a basic video player.
When I close the player, I see my scene wich β€œworks”, but the video feed seems interupted and therefore the tracking isn’t updated anymore.

Is this something any of you is familliar with?
Any pointer on where to dig for this issue?
I don’t have access to the application code, just the web content, I’d like to figure out things a bit and eventualy solve it before asking for some modifications of the app.

Thanks a lot :pray:

If anybody has the same issue, I found the solution:

on the webview

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Thank you so much for sharing your solution! :pray:

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