Why Do Models Need to Be Scaled Down for A-Frame Image Target?

I’m curious why 3D models need to be scaled down to match the size of an image target in A-Frame Image Target projects. Models exported at their native scale (1, 1, 1) always appear massive in the AR scene.

In sample A-Frame Image Target projects in the library, I’ve noticed that models are either scaled down in the code or exported at a smaller scale. For our project, we scaled the models to 0.0125 before exporting them as glb so we didn’t need to adjust them in the code, as recommended in the documentation.

Could this be related to the uploaded image target? Would love to understand why this happens!

This is a great question! Scale is one of the attributes the XRController sends in the event. The Namec Image Target component is designed to adjust itself based on these attributes, if the image target matches the given name.